When building a lot of tasks at the same time, output can become quite chaotic. We can mitigate this by subscribing to events and using provided tooling.
There is support for logging with Barista::Log.
This extends the default Crystal logger, but also takes:
- a caller to log where the log is coming from
- a color to differentiate the callers.
Barista::Log.info("deep-freezer", color: :blue) { "Brr.. it's cold in here!" }
Persistent Rich Logging#
For persistent logging colorized output, we can use Barista::RichLogger
logger = Barista::RichLogger.new(name: "deep-freezer", color: :blue)
logger.info { "It sure is cold in here" }
logger.info { "..." }
logger.info { "Still cold!" }
Logging colorized output is nice, but it also becomes tedious to specify for persistent tasks.
Barista provides a simple color iterator when it is important to tell the difference between tasks, but the hue doesn't matter.
This becomes helpful when using Software
or Omnibus
colors = Barista::ColorIterator.new
first_logger = Barista::RichLogger.new(name: "earth", colors.next)
second_logger = Barista::RichLogger.new(name: "moon", colors.next)