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The Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Task module provides instance methods to a task class that helps with

  • Declaring source code archive locations to fetch
  • Aggregating licenses and license files from the source code
  • Running commands against the source code
  • Building the source code to a staging directory to be archived and cached
  • Moving the source code to a shared directory to be packaged

The interface of a Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Task extends Barista::Behaviors::Software::Task but expects a bit more.

  1. In addition to #build we must implement a #configure method on the task.
  2. The initializer expects a Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Project, with an optional Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::CacheCallbacks


A task for building the zlib compression library might look like

class Zlib < Barista::Task
  include Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Task

  @@name = "zlib"

  # This will run after #configure to configure the needed commands on the task
  def build : Nil
    env = with_standard_compiler_flags(with_destdir)

    command("./configure --prefix=#{install_dir}/embedded", env: env)
    command("make", env: env)
    command("make install", env: env)

  # This will run before #build to configure the needed state on the task
  # the Omnibus behavior provides methods to provide this state.
  def configure : Nil
      sha256: "b3a24de97a8fdbc835b9833169501030b8977031bcb54b3b3ac13740f846ab30")

    # if intending to distribute this software, we can specify the license,
    # as well as any license files present in the source 


When this task is instantiated, it will

  1. run configure to configure related state on the object

When this task executes, it will

  1. run build to save the commands on the object
  2. create the needed source, stage, and install directories
  3. attempt to fetch the task artifacts from the cache if using caching
  4. if the cache retrieval fails
    1. it will attempt to download the source and unpack it
    2. it will execute any commands defined on the task
    3. it will copy any defined license files from the source directory
    4. it will attempt to update the cache with the isolated build artifact if caching
  5. it will move the artifacts to the installation directory if they aren't built there already

Let's unpack what is happening in this task definition.


Setting a friendly name#

@@name = "zlib"

As per Barista::Task, we can set a friendly name as a class variable, which would otherwise be the name of the class.

When this task downloads and unpacks it's source, it will be to #{project.source_dir}/zlib.

Configuring a version and a source url#

def configure : Nil
    sha256: "b3a24de97a8fdbc835b9833169501030b8977031bcb54b3b3ac13740f846ab30")

#version or Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Task#version(val) will speak to the version of the software source being built.


a version is required on non-virtual tasks, as the version will be added to license summary and the manifest.

#source or Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Task#source(url,**) will configure the network location of the software source being downloaded.

  • #source passes options to Barista::Behaviors::Software::Fetchers::Net so we can add:
  • a [md5|sha1|sha256|sha512] hash to verify the download is correct.
  • addtional HTTP::Headers
  • an HTTP::Client::TLSContext
  • a number of times to retry the download
  • an extension to download as if the remote url doesn't have one
  • a strip depth for unpacking the archive


#source currently only supports remote archives. Git/local sources or non-archive remote files can still be configured inside #build

Configuring a license and any license files#


Here we are declaring the license of this source project, and it's license files. The license can be referenced into a license summary, and the files copied to #{project.install_dir}/LICENSES

#license or Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Task#license(val) represents the license of the project. For Zlib, the license is Zlib

#license_file or Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Task#license_file(val) represents a path to the license files from within the source directory. This method can be called multiple times to specify multiple license files.


Populating a predefined hash of environment variables and passing it to commands#

def build : Nil
  env = with_standard_compiler_flags(with_destdir)

  command("./configure --prefix=#{install_dir}/embedded", env: env)
  command("make", env: env)
  command("make install", env: env)

#with_standard_compiler_flags or Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::PlatformEnv#with_standard_compiler_flags(env,opts) returns some common compilation, linker, and pkgconfig flags that are specific to the locations defined in the task's project.

Since Omnibus tasks are typically configuring and building binaries, libraries and shared objects to a custom location, this helps sources reference compilation dependencies during a build.

#with_destdir or Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::PlatformEnv#with_destdir(env) sets the DESTDIR environment variable to a special staging path if the task is using caching. This is helpful for isolating the individual artifacts of the source and caching them.

#command or Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Task#command(str,chdir,**) executes a shell command and emits it's output. By default it executes it from the source code directory.

  • the chdir option can be used to run the command from another place.
  • the env option can be used to specify additional environment variables.

In the example above we are running commands against the Zlib source.


Note on #with_destdir and --prefix=#{install_dir}/embedded

While it is customary for make scripts to honor DESTDIR, this is not always the case.

In such cases, we can build directly to the smart_install_dir directory to be cached.

# If using a cache, this will build zlib to 
# `#{project.barista_dir}/stage/zlib/#{project.install_dir}/embedded
def build : Nil
  env = with_standard_compiler_flags

  command("./configure --prefix=#{smart_install_dir}/embedded")
  command("make", env: env)
  command("make install", env: env)

However, now symbolic links that were configured against the prefix will reference the incorrect paths when they are moved to the project's installation directory.

We can tell Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Task to reconstruct these links when syncing in the configure method.

def configure : Nil

Providing additional runtime state to an Omnibus::Task#

Since there is a loose coupling between task instantiation and orchestration, we can change the constructor to provide additional state to the task. The task will still require a project and any cache callbacks.

def initialize(
  project : Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Project, 
  callbacks : Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::CacheCallbacks, 
  @some_extra_custom_state : String
  super(project, callbacks)

Virtual tasks#

If a task is a supporting task that doesn't produce versioned or distributable artifacts, it can be omitted from the license summary and manifest by passing true to Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Task#virtual(val)

More information#

For more information on what can be done in an Omnibus task, please refer to the API docs